Saturday, October 10, 2009

Down time

Just got my broadband back up and running, wasn't the providers fault, just the nations friend Royal Mail. I had my new router delivered but as I wasn't in it wasn't left. Now as usual they leave a card to tell you how to collect your parcel, what they don't do is have a collections office open at times to suit the customer! The one by me opens after I start work and is closed way before I finish. No problem, they can redeliver. Errr no, not if you can't get online! The phone service was useless. Three times I tried to get in touch and the first two the phones were down and the third it wouldn't connect if the time was after the one on the card! Cut my losses on that and went up this morning to fetch it. A nice outing for my son who was desparate to see Postman Pat, I warned him he wouold probably be on strike!!

I've had a week of constant travel with work, 3 different jobs and yesterday took over 3 hours to get home. I do get sick of travelling to jobs miles away and getting a pittance in travel costs. Would much rather work away. However some good news for me is that I'm trying to get my bank charges back. Had the statement come through and it's a nice amount to claim for. Would've had the letter sent back by now but as I scanned the list the ink in my printer ran out! Typical really but no fear shall sort it out over the weekend. Anyway time to play with my son when he finishes watching spongebob! Hopefully find some way of watching the game later without paying for it, lets see if one of my mates was silly enough to do so!

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